RichOne Wordpress Theme

RichOne Wordpress Theme Screenshot

Theme Description:

"RichOne Wordpress Theme" - RichOne best WordPress video theme by Felix Krusch, RichWP. A beautiful free portfolio and visual blogging WordPress theme with a minimalist nordic style. Some say it is the best WordPress Theme in 2020. Perfect for photo, video and art galleries or simple blogs with prominant featured images.The options allow you to change the lead colors, upload your logo, enable the post excerpt within the loop and craft a custom welcoming message. No matter if you are a freelancer or own your own agency show your creativity to the world. Being a photographer, blogger, designer and illustrator myself, this is the theme I use to present my artwork.This is the theme I use for all my blogging. Combine it with the power of Gutenberg and you have an unbeatable platform to build your sites with. The code base is as lean, fast performing and rock solid as the theme?s timeless design.This theme can power your WordPress site for years to come. It is easy to install and work with on a daily basis. It is a truly hassle free and visually stunning solution to get your site online in a streamlined, futureproof and profession