Passionate Wordpress Theme

Passionate Wordpress Theme Screenshot

Theme Description:

"Passionate Wordpress Theme" - Passionate free WordPress theme by FameThemes. Passionate is a professional multipurpose WordPress theme built with Bootstrap grid and is fully responsive for all the screen sizes. It can be used for Business, Portfolio, Personal, Blogging, Agency or any other types of site. Passionate theme comes with built-in widgets and widgets positions, customizer to customize and setup logo, color and layouts. Currently it have 10 widgets positions and 8 built-in widgets for Call to Action, Recent Posts, Image Slider, Clients Logos, Recent Works(Portfolio), Services Listing, Social Profiles Icons(13 different social icons) and Testimonial. It also includes wide and narrow layout and option to have top menu sticky. We are planning to have some more widgets in future theme updates. You can get support in and check demo at