Meris Wordpress Theme

Meris Wordpress Theme Screenshot

Theme Description:

"Meris Wordpress Theme" - Meris company WordPress theme by MageeWP. Meris is a free WordPress theme that can be use for various purposes, for business, travel, food, service and more. The clean homepage layout is very flexible due to it allows to add widgets. Meris theme comes with full-width sliders in the homepage and small featured sliders in the sidebar(optional), portfolios, social icons, slogon, and other popular widgets. More options are given to the sidebar setting: no sidebar, left sidebar, right sidebar, and sidebar on both sides. Furthermore, Font Awesome Icons are avaible in the theme to add icons aywhere. This theme is built with the latest HTML5 and CSS3 website standard (from the Twitter Bootstrap), and fully responsive in different browsers and displays. Meris is the ideal theme to create your personal websites and business websites for company.