Childishly Simple Wordpress Theme

Childishly Simple Wordpress Theme Screenshot

Theme Description:

"Childishly Simple Wordpress Theme" - Childishly Simple WordPress template for photographers by Richard Quilley. Create your own unique website by changing colors, layouts and the widths of the sidebars and content area. Choose between one column, two colum and three column layouts with sidebars to the left or right. Have a fixed or flexible width, change your home page, add your own HTML, CSS or javascript and choose where to have rounded corners. There are widget areas in the sidebars, footer and home page. Includes featured images, top and bottom dropdown CSS menus, post formats (e.g. asides), comment bubbles and a style sheet for print. Copy and paste your own color schemes into and out of the theme. Live demos and showcase sites at the author's website. Simple for beginners, powerful for more experienced users. Woocommerce friendly.

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