Business Blogily Wordpress Theme

Business Blogily Wordpress Theme Screenshot

Theme Description:

"Business Blogily Wordpress Theme" - Business Blogily food WordPress theme by ThemeEverest. Business Blogily is a responsive landing page and one page WordPress theme. The theme is best described as a multi purpose theme, it works for business, blogs, journalists, authors, newspapers, products, apps etc. The theme is primarily a busines / corporate theme, due to that we implemented Beaver Lite Pagebuilder in the theme which can be found in the plugin section. This WordPress theme comes with a simple blog / news layout where you can write about anything from food, travel, fashion, lifestyle, reviews, products or other entertainment niches. The theme is simple to setup but has a lot of features for both affiliate marketing, i.e. lots of advertisement space for affiliate programs such as Google AdSense - of course this kind of website requires a SEO optimized, creative & modern theme, which Pagebuilderly is. Photography images looks awesome in the theme, so it's a great portfolio theme, just like it works great for 1 page websites. To sum it up the theme is responsive so it works on all types of phones, tablets and desktop computer