The Green - Houseplants & Gardening WordPress Theme

The Green - Houseplants & Gardening WordPress Theme

Theme Description

"The Green - Houseplants & Gardening WordPress Theme" - You are a nature lover, gardening, landscaping and planting lover, gardener or landscaper who is looking for a gardening, planting or landscaping theme that would convey the utmost appreciation for the Mother Earth? Or you are an owner of a store selling any kind of house, garden, office, potted plants, flowers, and trees? This amazing Gardening and Landscaping Wordpress Theme – The Green would be your best choice with a ton of outstanding features. As its name, The Green will bring customers a beautiful and green space with many kinds of pretty plants to choose from. Responsive WordPress Theme for Houseplants Store & Gardening The Green is a wonderful theme with the full features needed for a beautiful and at

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