MobileFirst - WP Theme for Future-Proof Bloggers

MobileFirst - WP Theme for Future-Proof Bloggers

Theme Description

"MobileFirst - WP Theme for Future-Proof Bloggers" - MobileFirst is a super simple and modern Wordpress theme for bloggers with an eye to the style, and the other to the future. Perfect for a personal blog or a simple portfolio. It was developed with (all) mobile devices in mind, using the latest technologies available, providing an awesome experience from smallest screens to larger desktop monitors. *All icons are provided with a retina version already, or they use a font based system. That means your blog will look even smoother on retina displays, right out of the box! MobileFirst comes with a complete Unbranded Options Panel that matches WordPress default User Interface to improve usability. HTML5, CSS3 and lightweight. Localized, includes

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