Literatum - Just Write

Literatum - Just Write

Theme Description

"Literatum - Just Write" - We haven’t come across a more perfect theme for writers than Literatum. The design is clean, focusing the reader’s eyes on the words. Plus it has a whole host of features that makes it easy to bring those words to life. For instance, every article’s word count can be displayed automatically to give your readers an idea how long it’ll take them to read.- WPMUDEV Attention! Huge update in version 2.0.0 Literatum has been re-coded and re-designed from scratch in the version 2.0.0! Some of the new features are: Improved video covers: You can use Youtube urls for video covers now. Also, the video covers are now integrated with the WP video support. Multi-author: Now it’s possible to indicate more than one author for posts. Custom template sys

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