HelpingHand - Charity / Non-Profit WordPress Theme

HelpingHand - Charity / Non-Profit WordPress Theme

Theme Description

"HelpingHand - Charity / Non-Profit WordPress Theme" - HelpingHand is a new WordPress theme, designed for a non-profit organization or a charity company. Performed in shadowy colors it definitely the template shrply reflects its main objectives and goals. In the charity sphere, having a suitable website is extremely important, because this is actually the main tool of communication between you and the audience you’re trying to attract. So the more conveniet your site looks the bigger are you chances of raising the funds for a noble cause. This template was created not just to look good, but it also has a great potential and intended functionality. Clean, modern and thought-through design will definitely help you take your business to the next level of success! The template has got all the

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