Flamingo - Agency & Freelance Portfolio Theme for WordPress

Flamingo - Agency & Freelance Portfolio Theme for WordPress

Theme Description

"Flamingo - Agency & Freelance Portfolio Theme for WordPress" -   Flamingo is a complete portfolio for creative agencies and freelances. Graphic designers, illustrators, photographers or any kind creative is now able to create a quick & easy portfolio to showcase their work with an elegant touch. Fully responsive, font-awesome icons retina ready… You can implement features like parallax or some other trends with a single click. With Flamingo you can modify the theme layout & menu´s layout very easy. Just select the layout you like more (angled, straight or minimal) and once you have created your sections and menu, select how this menu will be displayed. The 3 menu layouts are completely different and they will help you to create sites very different in minutes. These features and the premium

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