Canifa - Fashion Shop RTL Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Canifa - Fashion Shop RTL Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Theme Description

"Canifa - Fashion Shop RTL Responsive WooCommerce WordPress Theme" - Canifa is a brand new Wordpress theme that we have designed to help you transform your store into a beautiful online showroom. This is a fully responsive Wordpress theme, with multiple versions for homepage and multiple templates for sub pages as well. With our free included in-house extensions such as Mega menu for main menu, fully responsive slider for featured products, we provided you power to showcase products easily. Please provide us your feedback, so we may include them in future updates. Thank you for your business and support. Features List: Drop & Drag element buider page Header/Footer custom design Custom Logo Specific page Mutil menu style Custom Menu color Create your own siderbar Mutil home page layout Dynamic

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