Lightweight Social Icons is an easy to use, lightweight social icon widget which lets you display your favorite social profile icons.
The icons use an icon font, meaning you can choose the size, border radius (roundess), color and hover color of your icons!
Check out GeneratePress, our awesome WordPress theme! (
Features include:
- Choose your own order
- Icon size
- Border radius
- Background color
- Text/icon color
- Background color on hover
- Text/icon color on hover
- Open links in new window
- Enable/disable tooltips
- Alignment of icons
Included icons:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Google+
- Instagram
- LinkedIn
- Pinterest
- Flickr
- Email
- Stumbleupon
- Tumblr
- Vimeo
- YouTube
- Github
- Soundcloud
- DeviantArt
- Phone
- Skype
- Dribbble
- Foursquare
- Reddit
- Spotify
- Digg
- Vine
- Codepen
- Delicious
- JSFiddle
- Stack Overflow
- WordPress
- Dropbox
- Steam
- Behance
- iTunes
- Yelp
- 500px
- AngelList
- Blog Lovin’
- Paper Plane (Newsletter)
- VK
- Xing
- Bandcamp
- BitBucket
- Snapchat
- Trip Advisor
- Houzz
- Mixcloud