Borlabs Cookie, a GDPR consent plugin that you can use to embed cookies such as Google AdSense via opt-in, is very easy to use. JavaScript is activated, and the cookie will be sent after your visitor confirms that they have received a cookie notice.
Cookies can no longer be set by visitors without their consent, either as per the GDPR or the ePrivacy Regulation. Opt-out is no longer allowed. Borlabs Cookie allows for you to send cookies via opt in, which means that visitors must actively opt-in to activate cookies.
Borlabs Cookie contains all necessary tracking codes for Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel. All you need to do is input your tracking IDs. Your visitors can opt-in to the code reloads automatically without the website needing to reload. There is also an integrated opt out solution as required by GDPR.
Borlabs Cookie can be used with any WordPress theme. The tests were conducted using the following themes and PageBuilders: Avada Beaver Builder, Divi. Elementor Pro, The7 and WPBakery Visual Composer.
Borlabs Cookie can be customized for each language using the WordPress plugins Polylang, WPML and Weglot. Borlabs Cookie can be used in Dutch, English and French as well as German, French, German and Italian. All texts displayed to visitors can be modified in Borlabs Cookie.
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