This plugin allows you to easily add super clean (and awesome) weather widgets to your site.
The weather data is available either by OpenWeatherMap or Dark Sky.
They require a free key to access the data.
Once you have the API Key, you can save it in the WordPress admin under 'Settings' -> 'Awesome Weather'
There are lots of juicy Help Guides on my website.
These will answer most of the questions you have.
Some popular ones include:
The development of this plugin was done by Hal Gatewood mostly when I should be sleeping. I have a full time job that is not building WordPress plugins, so please keep this in mind when you submit your support tickets. I also do not work for OpenWeatherMap or Dark Sky and have no control over the quality of the weather data returned from them. Sorry.
Use the built in widget with all of its marvelous settings or add it to a page or theme with the shortcode:
[awesome-weather owm_city_id=”4544349″] or [awesome-weather location="Oklahoma City"]
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Free Plugin